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[2023-05-08] 오늘의 게임 뉴스


Fortnite Find The Force Quests: How To Unlock Darth Maul And Other Star Wars Skins


["If there's one thing you can count on with Fortnite, it's that there will regularly be new Star Wars content to check out--and that trend continues with the current Find the Force event that runs until May 23. For nearly a full month, players can dive in and score new lightsabers, wield powerful Force abilities, and even meet the holograms of some of the franchise's most beloved Jedi. For many players, it's unlocking the new Darth Maul skin that will be the focal point.", 'All of this cool new Star Wars-themed content comes with a fresh selection of quests to complete to unlock a variety of unique cosmetics from a galaxy far, far away. Every few days, the game will update with new Find the Force quests to complete, earning you Galactic Reputation (GR) that is used to unlock these goodies, so use our handy guide here to prepare yourself for what you need to do.', "Remember that in order to unlock Darth Maul, you'll need to first buy the premium event pass for 1,000 V-Bucks ($8), then amass a total of 11,000 GR during the event. Along the way, you'll also unlock three other Star Wars skins, each one representing a different style of a Clone Trooper.", "With several quests already in the game, you can get going now and be well on your way to unlocking the villain before he's gone for good--though Epic did mention it may decide to sell these items later, but who knows when that will be?", 'These quests will unlock on May 12.', 'For more on Fortnite, check out this incredible new randomized deathmatch map.'] 

["포트나이트에 의지할 수 있는 한 가지가 있다면, 정기적으로 새로운 스타워즈 콘텐츠를 확인할 수 있다는 것입니다. 이 추세는 5월 23일까지 계속되는 현재의 Find the Force 이벤트로 계속됩니다. 거의 한 달 동안 플레이어들은 새로운 라이트세이버에 뛰어들어 점수를 매길 수 있고, 강력한 포스 능력을 휘두를 수 있으며, 심지어 프랜차이즈에서 가장 사랑받는 제다이의 홀로그램도 만날 수 있다.", "이미 게임에 몇 가지 퀘스트가 있기 때문에, 당신은 지금 가서 악당이 영원히 사라지기 전에 그를 풀어주는 길을 잘 갈 수 있습니다. 에픽이 나중에 이 물건들을 팔기로 결정할 수도 있다고 언급했지만, 그게 언제가 될지 누가 압니까? 



Fortnite: How To Learn Force Abilities At Rift Gates


["If you're diving into Fortnite's Find the Force event, you'll be greeted with a solid selection of quests to complete on your way to unlocking all of the new Star Wars-themed cosmetics in the reward track. One of these asks you to learn Force abilities at rift gates in different matches, but it doesn't exactly explain how you can make that happen. Luckily, we've got everything you need to know about learning Force abilities at rift gates here.", "The first step to learning Force abilities is to actually find rift gates. These are placed randomly in each match, but there's a shortcut to finding them: They'll always appear on your mini-map as colorful symbols, each one with a different color that indicates which beloved Star Wars character you'll encounter there. With this in mind, it may help to look for them as you approach the ground fresh off the Battle Bus.", "When you visit whichever one of the rift gates you choose, you'll find a hologram of the corresponding character you can speak to and learn their Force abilities. You'll be transported through the rift gate briefly before reappearing with a new lightsaber and your awesome Force abilities.", "Each of the three characters you can speak to at these rift gates offers unique lightsabers and Force abilities. Due to the fact that these Jedi and Sith weapons and powers will be highly coveted, you can expect to run into company frequently when trying to access them, so you may not always be able to get the exact one you want. However, here are each character's symbol color and Force abilities to help you decide which ones you want to target.", 'If your goal is only to complete the quest associated with the rift gates, keep in mind that you need to visit the gates across three different matches. That being said, you can visit the same character in each match if you have a favorite whose lightsaber or abilities appeal to you more.', "If you want to know more about Fortnite's Find the Force event, we've compiled a full quest hub."] 

["포트나이트의 Find the Force 이벤트에 참여하고 있다면, 보상 트랙에서 모든 새로운 스타워즈 테마 화장품을 여는 과정에서 완료해야 할 확실한 퀘스트를 받을 수 있습니다. 각 매치마다 무작위로 배치되지만, 다음과 같은 방법으로 찾을 수 있습니다: 그것들은 항상 당신의 미니 지도에 화려한 상징으로 나타나며, 각각은 당신이 그곳에서 어떤 사랑받는 스타워즈 캐릭터를 만나게 될 것인지를 나타내는 다른 색을 가지고 있다. ", 만약 당신의 목표가 단지 리프트 게이트와 관련된 퀘스트를 완료하는 것이라면, 당신은 세 개의 다른 경기에 걸쳐 게이트를 방문해야 한다는 것을 명심하라. 



Fortnite Find The Force Quests: How To Unlock Darth Maul And Other Star Wars Skins


["If there's one thing you can count on with Fortnite, it's that there will regularly be new Star Wars content to check out--and that trend continues with the current Find the Force event that runs until May 23. For nearly a full month, players can dive in and score new lightsabers, wield powerful Force abilities, and even meet the holograms of some of the franchise's most beloved Jedi. For many players, it's unlocking the new Darth Maul skin that will be the focal point.", 'All of this cool new Star Wars-themed content comes with a fresh selection of quests to complete to unlock a variety of unique cosmetics from a galaxy far, far away. Every few days, the game will update with new Find the Force quests to complete, earning you Galactic Reputation (GR) that is used to unlock these goodies, so use our handy guide here to prepare yourself for what you need to do.', "Remember that in order to unlock Darth Maul, you'll need to first buy the premium event pass for 1,000 V-Bucks ($8), then amass a total of 11,000 GR during the event. Along the way, you'll also unlock three other Star Wars skins, each one representing a different style of a Clone Trooper.", "With several quests already in the game, you can get going now and be well on your way to unlocking the villain before he's gone for good--though Epic did mention it may decide to sell these items later, but who knows when that will be?", 'These quests will unlock on May 12.', 'For more on Fortnite, check out this incredible new randomized deathmatch map.'] 

["포트나이트에 의지할 수 있는 한 가지가 있다면, 정기적으로 새로운 스타워즈 콘텐츠를 확인할 수 있다는 것입니다. 이 추세는 5월 23일까지 계속되는 현재의 Find the Force 이벤트로 계속됩니다. 거의 한 달 동안 플레이어들은 새로운 라이트세이버에 뛰어들어 점수를 매길 수 있고, 강력한 포스 능력을 휘두를 수 있으며, 심지어 프랜차이즈에서 가장 사랑받는 제다이의 홀로그램도 만날 수 있다.", "이미 게임에 몇 가지 퀘스트가 있기 때문에, 당신은 지금 가서 악당이 영원히 사라지기 전에 그를 풀어주는 길을 잘 갈 수 있습니다. 에픽이 나중에 이 물건들을 팔기로 결정할 수도 있다고 언급했지만, 그게 언제가 될지 누가 압니까? 



이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
