Fortnite's Star Wars Event Adds Force Powers, Mini Battle Pass, And A Free Skin
['Epic Games and Lucasfilm are pulling out all the stops this May the 4th with the Find the Force event in Fortnite. This three-week extravaganza is all about the prequels, adding skins for Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Darth Maul and six different clone troopers, several of which can be unlocked in a mini-battle pass that includes both free and paid rewards. All of this comes alongside a host of new Star Wars-inspired gameplay features to Battle Royale, including Force powers and a much more accurate new blaster rifle.', 'And, oh yeah--lightsabers are back, plus Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Darth Maul are now roaming the island.', "Fortnite's item shop has already been updated with four new Star Wars skins: Anakin, Padme, and a pair of Clone Troopers: the 501st Trooper and a 212th Battalion Trooper. Beyond that, this update also added skins for Darth Maul and four other clone troopers, which are obtainable by completing Find the Force quests.", "The Find the Force event comes with an event rewards track similar to the Dragon Ball Z event last summer, or the Most Wanted event a couple months back. It's akin to a battle pass in that you unlock rewards as you progress through the track, but instead of using XP to progress, you have to complete the event quests to earn Galactic Reputation to level up.", "Unlike those two past events, Find the Force has a premium track that you have to pay 1,000 V-Bucks to unlock. The basic Clone Trooper skin is the final reward on the free track. If you buy the premium track, you'll get the Coruscant Guard skin immediately, and the final premium reward is the Darth Maul skin. You'll also earn the Wolf Pack Trooper and the Ahsoka's Clone Trooper skins along the way from the premium track, in addition to several other cosmetics that you can earn on the premium and free tracks.", "The quests you'll need to complete to unlock these skins will come in three main groups. The first group of quests is live now, with a second group coming on May 7, and a third on May 12. If you complete at least 12 quests from each of these groups, you'll earn the Sith Infiltrator glider. The Sith Infiltrator, in case you're wondering, is Maul's ship that we saw him use in The Phantom Menace. There will also be a fourth wave of quests that won't help you earn that glider, but will help you complete the reward tracks.", 'Unlike a normal season battle pass, nothing here should be considered exclusive to the event. In the fine print, Epic specifically has reserved the right to sell the event rewards in the item shop later.', "On top of all that, Fortnite's Battle Royale is getting an injection of all-new Star Wars gameplay mechanics, including Force powers and the new, longer-ranged DC-15 rifle that'll make you a lot more accurate than a stormtrooper.", "To learn the ways of the Force you'll need training, and to get training you'll need to find one of Obi-Wan, Anakin or Darth Maul. Accept their training, and you'll get a lightsaber that matches the color of your teacher's blade, and Force abilities that you can use any time you have that lightsaber out for the remainder of the match--or until you drop the lightsaber or die.", "Which powers you have will depend on your teacher. Obi-Wan will teach you Force Push, and Anakin will teach you Force Pull--these can be used on both objects and players. Darth Maul, meanwhile, will teach you Force Throw. But that one is for objects only--you can't Force Throw other players.", "This has been a lot, but there's still one more thing: a new Discord quest that will net you the Coruscant's Pride wrap on completion. There are two ways to complete this quest: by streaming Fortnite to a Discord friend for 15 minutes, or by completing an in-game objective given in the Find the Force text channel on the official Fortnite Discord.", 'The Find the Force event runs until May 23.']
', "포트나이트의 아이템샵은 이미 4개의 새로운 스타워즈 스킨으로 업데이트되었습니다: 아나킨, 파드메, 그리고 클론 트루퍼 한 쌍: 501 기병대와 212 대대 기병대. 프리미엄 트랙과 무료 트랙에서 얻을 수 있는 여러 가지 다른 화장품 외에도 울프 팩 트루퍼와 아소카의 클론 트루퍼 스킨을 얻을 수 있습니다.", "포스의 방법을 배우려면 훈련이 필요할 것이고, 훈련을 받으려면 오비완, 아나킨 또는 다스 마울 중 하나를 찾아야 합니다.
Fortnite Find The Force Quests: How To Unlock Darth Maul And Other Star Wars Skins
["If there's one thing you can count on with Fortnite, it's that there will regularly be new Star Wars content to check out--and that trend continues with the current Find the Force event that runs until May 23. For nearly a full month, players can dive in and score new lightsabers, wield powerful Force abilities, and even meet the holograms of some of the franchise's most beloved Jedi. For many players, it's unlocking the new Darth Maul skin that will be the focal point.", 'All of this cool new Star Wars-themed content comes with a fresh selection of quests to complete to unlock a variety of unique cosmetics from a galaxy far, far away. Every few days, the game will update with new Find the Force quests to complete, earning you Galactic Reputation (GR) that is used to unlock these goodies, so use our handy guide here to prepare yourself for what you need to do.', "Remember that in order to unlock Darth Maul, you'll need to first buy the premium event pass for 1,000 V-Bucks ($8), then amass a total of 11,000 GR during the event. Along the way, you'll also unlock three other Star Wars skins, each one representing a different style of a Clone Trooper.", "With several quests already in the game, you can get going now and be well on your way to unlocking the villain before he's gone for good--though Epic did mention it may decide to sell these items later, but who knows when that will be?", 'These quests will unlock on May 7.', 'These quests will unlock on May 12.', 'For more on Fortnite, check out this incredible new randomized deathmatch map.']
["포트나이트에 의지할 수 있는 한 가지가 있다면, 정기적으로 새로운 스타워즈 콘텐츠를 확인할 수 있다는 것입니다. 이 추세는 5월 23일까지 계속되는 현재의 Find the Force 이벤트로 계속됩니다. 거의 한 달 동안 플레이어들은 새로운 라이트세이버에 뛰어들어 점수를 매길 수 있고, 강력한 포스 능력을 휘두를 수 있으며, 심지어 프랜차이즈에서 가장 사랑받는 제다이의 홀로그램도 만날 수 있다.", "이미 게임에 몇 가지 퀘스트가 있기 때문에, 당신은 지금 가서 악당이 영원히 사라지기 전에 그를 풀어주는 길을 잘 갈 수 있습니다. 에픽이 나중에 이 물건들을 팔기로 결정할 수도 있다고 언급했지만, 그게 언제가 될지 누가 압니까?
First Wave Of Xbox Game Pass May 2023 Titles Announced
['There are vampires, there are cult classics, and there are different subgenres of RPGs as part of the first wave of Xbox Game Pass titles for May. Of course, Redfall is the big one, as the first-party game comes from developer Arkane under Bethesda.', 'Unfortunately, GameSpot\'s Redfall review notes that it feels like a "game that should not have been released yet." The FPS sees players going in alone or with friends to defang vampires and their followers. But it seems as though a litany of bugs and undeveloped loot system hamper the title.', 'You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.', '\n Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?\n ', 'Sign up or Sign in now!\n ', "\n By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's\n Terms of Use and\n Privacy Policy", 'enter', 'Now Playing: Redfall Review - Half-Staked', 'Per Xbox Wire, the other two day-one releases for Xbox Game Pass to start the month are Ravenlok on May 4 and Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 on May 11. The former sees you fighting with a sword and spells in a 3D action game, while the former is a turn-based RPG.', 'Shadowrun Trilogy will arrive on the subscription service for PC owners on May 9. This trio of tactical RPGs are cult classics these days and the collection comes from Paradox Interactive. They are already available on Xbox consoles and cloud via Game Pass.', 'Rounding out the list is Weird West: Definitive Edition for Xbox Series X|S, which coincidentally comes from former creative leads of Dishonored and Prey (previous Arkane games). Microsoft also reminds subscribers that Quantum Break has returned to Xbox Game Pass after a brief hiatus.', 'There also are five titles leaving Xbox Game Pass on May 15, such as Her Story. Below is the list of upcoming additions to the subscription service:']
['뱀파이어도 있고, 컬트 클래식도 있고, 5월 엑스박스 게임패스 타이틀의 첫 번째 물결의 일부로 RPG의 다양한 하위 장르가 있다.', '목록을 정리하는 것은 위어드 웨스트: 엑스박스 시리즈 X|S의 최종판인데, 이는 공교롭게도 불명예스러운 게임과 먹잇감(이전의 아케인 게임)의 이전 크리에이티브 리드에서 나온 것이다. ', 허 스토리와 같은 5월 15일 엑스박스 게임패스를 떠나는 5개의 타이틀도 있다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.