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[2023-04-28] 오늘의 게임 뉴스


Christopher Robin Stars In R-Rated Winnie The Pooh TV Series


["Boat Rocker and Bay Mills Studios have announced a collaboration to produce a brand new television series based on the beloved characters of A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh. Titled Christopher Robin, the show is set to be an R-rated comedy reimagining of the classic story, with a live-action/animation hybrid format. Deadline was first to report.", 'The logline reads: "Christopher Robin is a disillusioned New Yorker navigating his quarter-life crisis with the help of the weird talking animals who live beyond a drug-induced portal outside his derelict apartment complex, the Hundred Acres."', 'The series is based on an original script from Charlie Kesslering (Most Likely To, Turned On), who will also serve as executive producer. Conrad Vernon, who has worked on popular animated films such as Shrek 2 and Sausage Party, is set to direct the pilot episode and executive produce.', "Boat Rocker's Nick Nantell and Bay Mills Studios' Holly Hubsher will also executive produce the series alongside Anderson and James. No release date has been announced yet.", 'For fans of the very specific niche of R-rated Winnie the Pooh content, this has been a very good year indeed. Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey, an indie slasher film that loosely retells the childhood classic, came out earlier in January, which didn\'t bowl critics over but provided enough of a foothold for this show to get a chance. GameSpot\'s Alyse Wax called Blood And Honey "straightforward" and "not particularly good." You can read their review here.'] 

크리스토퍼 로빈이라는 제목의 이 쇼는 실사/애니메이션 하이브리드 형식으로 고전 이야기를 재창조한 R등급 코미디로 설정되어 있다. "', 이 시리즈는 총괄 프로듀서로도 활동할 찰리 케슬링(Most Likely To, Turn On)의 오리지널 대본을 바탕으로 한다. ", R등급 위니 더 푸 콘텐츠의 매우 구체적인 틈새를 좋아하는 팬들에게 올해는 정말 좋은 한 해였다. 



Diablo 4 Server Slam Beta: Start Date, Rewards, Class Changes, And Everything We Know


["Following two beta periods, Blizzard will be hosting a final Diablo IV playtest--dubbed the Server Slam--in May, just a few weeks before the game's full launch. This test is, as the name implies, intended to test the developer's online infrastructure and ensure that issues can be ironed out before the game goes live. Of course, it's also a great opportunity to try out Diablo IV's five different classes and explore the world of Sanctuary, especially if you haven't decided whether you want to buy the game yet. Here's everything we know about the Diablo IV Server Slam so far, including the start date, available content, classes, rewards, and more.", "The Diablo IV Server Slam will run from May 12-14 and be available on all of the game's platforms: Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC. The test will only run for those three days, unlike the beta, which was split into two weekends and carried over progress between the two. Progress will not carry over from those weekends to the Server Slam, nor will Server Slam progress transfer to the full game. However, if you already have that game client installed, it will still work for the Server Slam once it's updated.", 'You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.', '\n Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?\n ', 'Sign up or Sign in now!\n ', "\n By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's\n Terms of Use and\n Privacy Policy", 'enter', 'Now Playing: Diablo IV | Druid Gameplay Trailer', "The Server Slam will feature the same basic slice of content seen in the previous beta tests: the game's prologue and Act 1. One major area called Fractured Peaks is available to explore, with all quests and side activities taking place there.", 'All five classes are playable during the Server Slam:', "Alongside the first several hours of main quests, you'll also be able to take on side quests, explore hidden areas, and battle a powerful world boss called Ashava. Defeating this boss will be a serious challenge, as unlike in the previous betas, your level is capped at 20. Only those who have reached level 20 will be eligible for the special Cry of Ashava mount trophy, detailed below.", 'The world boss will be available beginning May 13 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET, and will spawn every three hours until May 14 at the same time.', "Your characters' progress in the beta will not transfer, meaning everyone who plays the Server Slam will be starting from the very beginning. However, tweaks have been made to balance classes that are reflective of how these classes will play at launch.", "These changes include a 10% across-the-board incoming damage reduction for Barbarians, who were difficult to use as a solo player in the early parts of the story. Companion skills for Druids have also been heavily buffed, and a variety of other buffs and nerfs have affected all five classes. If you liked a class during the beta, it would be wise to try them again during the Server Slam and see if that's still the case.", "Alongside the aforementioned Cry of Ashava mount trophy, which you can only get by defeating the Ashava world boss after reaching level 20, you can also earn the Beta Wolf Pack cosmetic item. To get this, all you have to do is reach level 20, and if you already did so during the beta test, you're good to go. The reward will appear in the full game when it launches in June, as will the Initial Casualty title for reaching the Kyovashad city.", 'Otherwise, progress from the Server Slam will not carry over to the full game, but you will get a sense of how drop rates on legendary items have changed. After being intentionally increased during the beta, they will now be at their launch level for the Server Slam.', 'Diablo IV launches on June 6 for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.'] 

물론 디아블로 IV의 5가지 클래스를 체험해보고 특히 게임 구매 여부를 아직 결정하지 않았다면 생츄어리의 세계를 탐험할 수 있는 좋은 기회이기도 하다"며 "디아블로 IV 서버 슬램은 5월 12일부터 14일까지 운영되며 Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, PC 등 모든 게임 플랫폼에서 이용할 수 있다. 이것을 얻으려면 레벨 20에 도달하기만 하면 되며, 베타 테스트 중에 이미 도달했다면 가도 좋습니다. 



Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds & Snakes Trailer Introduces A Very Different Battle Royale


['The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes takes us back more than six decades before Katniss Everdeen fought in her first Hunger Games, and as we see in the first trailer released on Thursday evening, the filmmakers gave the film a very retro look indeed.', 'The art style of the film, which tells the story of the future President Snow mentoring a Hunger Games contestant when he was much younger, takes a hard turn from the retro-futuristic look of the original four films, draping everything with a fascinating early-to-mid 20th Century aesthetic. ', 'Check out the trailer here.', ' ', "The trailer presents all the major players--from Snow himself (Tom Blyth) to his mentee Lucy (Rachel Zegler), and on to Peter Dinklage's Casca Highbottom, the game's creator and the intense Dr. Gaul (Viola Davis). And we even got to meet Lucky Flickerman (Jason Schwartzman), presumably related to Stanley Tucci's Caesar Flickerman from the previous movies.", "While it's otherwise light on plot, that new aesthetic results in some pretty cool imagery. And the Hunger Games themselves seem to take place in a smaller arena here--one that bears no resemblance to the lush jungle of the previous movies. ", 'The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes is directed by Francis Lawrence, who has handled directing duties on every Hunger Games movie except the first one. The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes hits theaters November 17.'] 

', 미래의 대통령 스노우가 훨씬 더 어렸을 때 헝거게임 참가자를 지도하는 이야기를 다룬 이 영화의 예술 스타일은 원작 4편의 복고적인 미래적인 모습에서 벗어나 20세기 초중반의 매혹적인 미학으로 모든 것을 뒤덮는다. ', '여기 트레일러 좀 봐. ", 헝거 게임: '노래하는 새와 뱀의 발라드'는 프랜시스 로렌스가 감독을 맡았는데, 그는 첫 번째 영화를 제외한 모든 헝거게임 영화의 감독직을 맡아왔다. 



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