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[2023-04-26] 오늘의 게임 뉴스


The Flash Gets Emotional Trailer Full Of Supergirl And Batman Action


["Warner Bros. dropped a new trailer for The Flash at CinemaCon on Tuesday--and it was full of awesome action set pieces involving the Flash himself, Michael Keaton's Batman, and now Sasha Calle's Supergirl. See for yourself below.", "The trailer opens with Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne talking to Barry Allen about his lifelong obsession with fighting crime that was inspired by his parents' murder. And how no matter how many bad guys he takes down, it won't ever actually bring his mom and dad back to him.", "And then he says that Barry has managed what he never could: he's managed to bring his mom back, through time travel.", 'But, of course, there are dire consequences--the other members of the Justice League no longer exist, and Barry has to fight alongside a parallel Batman, Supergirl and himself to deal with General Zod and whatever else is going on here. This trailer showed off a ton of new action sequences that looks pretty wild--and a money shot in which Supergirl is flanked by two Flashes in the midst of an epic CGI battle. The Flash is going to be quite a spectacle at the very least.', 'Before he presented the trailer, director Andy Muschietti talked about bringing Keaton back in as Batman after more than three decades.', '"He was very intrigued about the script. Then he read it and he was thrilled," Muchietti said. "We had these amazing conversations about where we would be finding Bruce Wayne after 30 years for the first time since Batman Returns."', "The Flash arrives in theaters this summer at a very weird time for the DC Comics movieverse. James Gunn and Peter Safran were named the new heads of DC Films last October, and the entire franchise is once again in flux. But The Flash, with its multiverse plot, will allow for whatever kind of in-universe reset they'd like to pull. We won't know exactly what form that will take until we see the film itself, but clearly it will involve Batman since there are already two that we know of in the movie.", 'The Flash hits theaters on June 16.'] 

["워너 브라더스"는 화요일 시네마콘에서 플래시의 새로운 예고편을 공개했는데 플래시 자신과 마이클 키튼의 배트맨, 그리고 이제는 사샤 칼의 슈퍼걸이 등장하는 멋진 액션 세트 작품들로 가득 차 있었다." 그리고 그는 배리가 시간 여행을 통해 그가 할 수 없는 일을 해냈다. 우리는 영화 자체를 보기 전까지는 그것이 어떤 형태를 취할지 정확히 알 수 없지만, 우리가 영화에서 이미 알고 있는 두 가지가 있기 때문에 분명히 배트맨과 관련이 있을 것이다. 



CoD: Warzone 2 DMZ - Best Barter Recipes In Season 3


['Season 3 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is live, and DMZ just received a major update with plenty of new features to check out. One of the most impactful changes is the barter feature, which lets you find recipes to barter for items you need. Here we walk you through the best recipes in Season 3 of DMZ.', "Season 3's new barter system isn't player-to-player trading, but more of a way to swap scavenged items at a Buy Station to trade for something else you need. This bartering is done using recipes, which are component lists needed to receive the new items.", "These recipes are found at the Buy Stations around the maps, and they are set lists that can be memorized for easy bartering. Most recipes will be common across all maps, but Building 21 and Ashika Island locations each have a few of their own unique sets of barter options across its Buy Stations, but we'll highlight the important ones here.", "Season 3 introduces the new 3-Plate stealth carrier, which in addition to holding three armor plates, comes built-in with the Ghost perk to help keep you off enemy radar. If you're looking to go under the radar in your match, you'll need to scavenge these items:", "Season 3's new medic vest lets you get armored up while also granting both faster revives on squadmates, as well as faster self-revives when using a self-revive kit. To suit up as a medic, you'll want to scavenge these items:", "Season 3 adds the skeleton key to DMZ. This is a special key that can unlock any door in DMZ, with the only exception being entry to Building 21. You'll still need to get a Building 21 Access Keycard to access that location, but you can use the skeleton key to unlock spaces within Building 21. The only way to get this key is to craft it with these items:", 'The GPU is a bit rarer than some of the other recipe requirements, but is found at random when searching the various computers all over the map. It also has a recipe of its own.', "You can now barter for a GPU to make getting a skeleton key or completing a specific mission a bit faster. So far, this seems specific to Ashika Island, so you'll want to visit the island and scavenge these items:", 'Season 3\'s new secure backpack lets you secure scavenged items between runs, meaning the valuables you loot like GPUs and hard drives will stay in your pack for the next match, instead of converting into XP. You also won\'t lose these items if you die. This only includes "non-Contraband, non-on-soldier items" in your inventory, so it won\'t include Contraband weapons, killstreaks, gas masks or self-revives. You\'ll want scavenge these items:', "Season 3's new scavenger backpack provides more inventory slots. To have the best backpack for a scavenging session, you'll first want to loot these items:", "Season 3's new comms vest lets you get armored up and provide valuable intel. This vest is like a signal booster. It increases the duration of all UAV technology in DMZ (the killstreak, UAV towers, and enemy radios dropped by AI) and makes them function as Advanced UAVs, meaning they also show player direction and location.", "The new tempered plate carrier is an armored vest, which works just like Warzone 1's tempered plate carrier. Your armor will be two half-bars instead of three thirds, making it easier and more efficient to re-plate after a fight. So far, this vest seems specific to Ashika Island, so you'll want to visit the island and scavenge these items:", "The Revive Pistol field upgrade is a great option to take into a match of DMZ, especially if you're the medic of your team. You'll need to scavenge these items:", "Durable gas masks are always handy for either venturing into the radiation zone or trying to make a last minute escape to an exfil location. You'll need to scavenge these items:", "These recipes should help you get some of the best gear in the game, and hopefully help you survive your next match of DMZ. If you're looking for high-tier places to loot for gold bars, skulls, and other items, make sure to check out our guide for best loot locations for DMZ.", 'Season 3 also adds the ability to customize Contraband weapons, and we have a full guide to this new DMZ workbench feature.'] 

의료진으로 분장하기 위해, 여러분은 이 아이템들을 청소하고 싶을 것입니다:", "시즌 3은 DMZ에 스켈레톤 키를 추가합니다.", "이제 GPU와 교환하여 스켈레톤 키를 얻거나 특정 임무를 조금 더 빨리 완료할 수 있습니다. 당신은 이 아이템들을 청소할 필요가 있을 것이다:", "이 레시피들은 당신이 게임에서 최고의 장비를 얻는 데 도움이 될 것이고, 바라건대 당신이 다음 DMZ 경기에서 살아남는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 



CoD: Warzone 2 DMZ - Best Barter Recipes In Season 3


['Season 3 of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is live, and DMZ just received a major update with plenty of new features to check out. One of the most impactful changes is the barter feature, which lets you find recipes to barter for items you need. Here we walk you through the best recipes in Season 3 of DMZ.', "Season 3's new barter system isn't player-to-player trading, but more of a way to swap scavenged items at a Buy Station to trade for something else you need. This bartering is done using recipes, which are component lists needed to receive the new items.", "These recipes are found at the Buy Stations around the maps, and they are set lists that can be memorized for easy bartering. Most recipes will be common across all maps, but Building 21 and Ashika Island locations each have a few of their own unique sets of barter options across its Buy Stations, but we'll highlight the important ones here.", "Season 3 introduces the new 3-Plate stealth carrier, which in addition to holding three armor plates, comes built-in with the Ghost perk to help keep you off enemy radar. If you're looking to go under the radar in your match, you'll need to scavenge these items:", "Season 3's new medic vest lets you get armored up while also granting both faster revives on squadmates, as well as faster self-revives when using a self-revive kit. To suit up as a medic, you'll want to scavenge these items:", "Season 3 adds the skeleton key to DMZ. This is a special key that can unlock any door in DMZ, with the only exception being entry to Building 21. You'll still need to get a Building 21 Access Keycard to access that location, but you can use the skeleton key to unlock spaces within Building 21. The only way to get this key is to craft it with these items:", 'The GPU is a bit rarer than some of the other recipe requirements, but is found at random when searching the various computers all over the map. It also has a recipe of its own.', "You can now barter for a GPU to make getting a skeleton key or completing a specific mission a bit faster. So far, this seems specific to Ashika Island, so you'll want to visit the island and scavenge these items:", 'Season 3\'s new secure backpack lets you secure scavenged items between runs, meaning the valuables you loot like GPUs and hard drives will stay in your pack for the next match, instead of converting into XP. You also won\'t lose these items if you die. This only includes "non-Contraband, non-on-soldier items" in your inventory, so it won\'t include Contraband weapons, killstreaks, gas masks or self-revives. You\'ll want scavenge these items:', "Season 3's new scavenger backpack provides more inventory slots. To have the best backpack for a scavenging session, you'll first want to loot these items:", "Season 3's new comms vest lets you get armored up and provide valuable intel. This vest is like a signal booster. It increases the duration of all UAV technology in DMZ (the killstreak, UAV towers, and enemy radios dropped by AI) and makes them function as Advanced UAVs, meaning they also show player direction and location.", "The new tempered plate carrier is an armored vest, which works just like Warzone 1's tempered plate carrier. Your armor will be two half-bars instead of three thirds, making it easier and more efficient to re-plate after a fight. So far, this vest seems specific to Ashika Island, so you'll want to visit the island and scavenge these items:", "The Revive Pistol field upgrade is a great option to take into a match of DMZ, especially if you're the medic of your team. You'll need to scavenge these items:", "Durable gas masks are always handy for either venturing into the radiation zone or trying to make a last minute escape to an exfil location. You'll need to scavenge these items:", "These recipes should help you get some of the best gear in the game, and hopefully help you survive your next match of DMZ. If you're looking for high-tier places to loot for gold bars, skulls, and other items, make sure to check out our guide for best loot locations for DMZ.", 'Season 3 also adds the ability to customize Contraband weapons, and we have a full guide to this new DMZ workbench feature.'] 

의료진으로 분장하기 위해, 여러분은 이 아이템들을 청소하고 싶을 것입니다:", "시즌 3은 DMZ에 스켈레톤 키를 추가합니다.", "이제 GPU와 교환하여 스켈레톤 키를 얻거나 특정 임무를 조금 더 빨리 완료할 수 있습니다. 당신은 이 아이템들을 청소할 필요가 있을 것이다:", "이 레시피들은 당신이 게임에서 최고의 장비를 얻는 데 도움이 될 것이고, 바라건대 당신이 다음 DMZ 경기에서 살아남는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 



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