Where Is Xur Today? (March 24-28) - Destiny 2 Exotic Items And Xur Location Guide
["The weekend is here in Destiny 2, and if you're looking to settle in for the night by chasing Pinnacle engrams and a few rounds of Iron Banner action, then it's time to pay a visit to Xur to stock up on the essentials. As usual, the roving arms dealer will have various Exotic weapons and armor pieces to sell, as well as Legendary-class gear to help you fill out your collection. Here's where you can find Xur this weekend and what the Agent of the Nine has for sale.", "This week you can find Xur on Nessus, in the Watcher's Grave area. For his weapon, Xur is offering The Queenbreaker. Hunters can pick up Shinobu's Vow gauntlets; Titans can grab Actium War Rig chest armor; and for Warlocks, Xur has the Verity's Brow helmet.", "Head to Nessus and use the Watcher's Grave transmat zone to find Xur this week. When you arrive, hop on your sparrow and head north toward the exit of the area. Look for a big tree with pink moss on the right side of the area. Climb up onto its big, flat branch, where you can reach Xur.", "Xur is present every weekend in Destiny 2, starting with the daily reset at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET each Friday. His exact location is always a mystery when he first arrives, as he is not listed on the map, and for novice players, he can be easy to miss. However, there are a set number of locations where he takes up residence, including the Tower Hangar area, on Nessus in Watcher's Grave, and in the Winding Cove area of the EDZ.", "Linear fusion rifles aren't in hot demand right now thanks to them being nerfed last year, but The Queensbreaker is still a great weapon that's superb at long ranges. While there are better Exotics that work well with Arc-focused builds--like the excellent Thunderlord--this weapon can still come in handy for team activities if you're playing support. The Wire Rifle perk allows for a precision Arc bolt to blind enemies when they're struck by it, plus it'll chain to any of their minions around them. That makes Queenbreaker worth using if you're planning to do some crowd control while keeping your allies from being pinned down by a boss.", "There's nothing extraordinary about Dead Man's Tale this week, but the perks on offer do allow for a reliable scout rifle build. Moving Target is the key perk this week, which allows for increased movement speed and target acquisition while you aim down the sights, and Light Mag, Full Bore, and Hand-Laid Stock will keep the weapon stable and ready for a slightly quicker reload.", 'Hawkmoon has rarely deviated from a predictable roll of perks each week, and this one is no different. Alloy Magazine, Arrowhead Brake, and Heavy Grip make their usual appearances, with the signature perk this week being Rangefinder. That increases the effective range and zoom magnification of Hawkmoon, and when combined with the other traits of this weapon, makes it fairly desirable for PvP.', "Shinobu's Vow is a reliable Exotic for any Hunter looking to specialize in skip grenades, as these gauntlets give you an extra grenade charge, make the explosive more effective, and even return energy when they damage enemies. The big draw here is a nice spread of stats, with recovery, discipline, and strength all having high numbers. There's even a very high resilience stat with the Exotic, leaving you plenty of space to buff up the smaller mobility or intellect numbers.", "This Titan Exotic has always worked really well with the Sweet Business Exotic, but you can also use it for some of the other terrific auto rifles and machine guns in Destiny 2. It'll steadily reload those weapons, saving you time and giving you more firepower to take on enemies, plus you'll get increased airborne effectiveness stats for those weapon archetypes. This roll of Actium War Rig has a poor resilience stat, so you'll want to use an armor mod to address that gap in the armor defense, but it does have very good recovery, discipline, and strength stats.", "For the Warlock who wants to provide some explosive support to their fireteam, Verity's Brow is terrific. While it requires some work to get a Death Throes buff from it, once that ability is activated and you've thrown a grenade, nearby allies will gain greatly increased grenade energy regeneration for a few seconds. That makes this handy for taking down bosses, and the overall spread of stats on this piece are nicely balanced."]
여기서 이번 주말에 쉬르를 찾을 수 있고 에이전트 오브 더 나인이 판매하는 것을 찾을 수 있습니다.', "시노부의 서약은 스킵 수류탄을 전문으로 하는 헌터에게 믿을 수 있는 Exotic입니다. 이 건틀릿은 추가 수류탄 충전을 제공하고, 폭발물을 더 효과적으로 만들며, 심지어 적에게 피해를 입힐 때 에너지를 되돌려주기 때문입니다. 이것은 보스를 쓰러뜨리는 데 유용하고, 이 작품의 전체적인 통계 분포는 균형이 잘 잡혀 있다."]
Resident Evil 4 - All Yellow Herb Locations Guide
["Resident Evil 4, much like the rest of the franchise, emphasizes the use of herbs to heal your characters. Yellow Herbs, in particular, tend to be very important, as they're the only way for you to increase your maximum HP. Here's our Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs guide to help you find all the possible health upgrades in the campaign.", "The Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs can't be used on their own. Instead, you'll have to mix them with a concoction, preferably one that already has a Green Herb and Red Herb mixed in. This is because a Green and Red Herb combination will heal you to almost full HP and, when a Yellow Herb is added, you'll also be granted its permanent max HP boost segment.", "Likewise, you'll want to pay attention to the Merchant's Trade panel, since he also sells a Yellow Herb in exchange for 3x Spinels (a currency obtained by completing requests). In any case, we've divided our Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs guide into several sections depending on the main zones and areas.", 'These are some of the Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs that can be found in the Village zone:', 'These are some of the Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs that you can pick up in the Castle zone:', 'If you\'ve obtained all previously mentioned Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs, all while combining them with Green and Red Herb mixes, then you should have maxed out Leon\'s HP. This will earn you the "My Body is a Temple" achievement.', "Whether or not you've maxed out Leon's HP already, you'll still be able to acquire additional Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs in the Island zone:", "We'll continue to add more entries to our Resident Evil 4 Yellow Herbs guide, so stay tuned. Likewise, you can learn about other mechanics in our guides hub."]
이는 녹색 허브와 빨간색 허브의 조합이 거의 완전한 HP로 치유되고 노란색 허브가 추가되면 영구적인 최대 HP 부스트 세그먼트도 부여되기 때문입니다. 어쨌든 저희 레지던트 이블 4 옐로우 허브 가이드는 주요 지역과 지역에 따라 여러 섹션으로 나누었습니다. ", '마을 구역에서 찾을 수 있는 레지던트 이블 4 옐로우 허브의 일부입니다.' '캐슬 구역에서 찾을 수 있는 레지던트 이블 4 옐로우 허브의 일부입니다.' '이전에 언급한 레지던트 이블 4 옐로우 허브를 모두 녹색 및 빨간색 허브와 결합하여 얻은 경우' 그러면 당신은 Leon\의 HP를 최대화했어야 합니다.
Does John Wick 4 Have A Post-Credits Scene?
['John Wick: Chapter 4 is the longest entry in the action movie series so far, but after the main story wraps up, is there even more in a Marvel-style post-credits scene?', 'We now have the answer. Read on below to find out what to expect after the credits roll but be warned, this story contains MAJOR spoilers.', 'John Wick: Chapter 4 ends with John (Keanu Reeves) challenging Marquis Vincent de Gramont (Bill Skarsgard) to a final duel. John wins the duel and is freed from the High Table. But he ends up dying anyway after being shot by Caine (Donnie Yen), according to Uproxx.', "In the after-credits scene, the character Akira (Rina Sawayama) seeks to avenge the death of her father Koji (Hiroyuki Sanada), who was murdered by Caine earlier in the movie. The movie closes with Akira advancing upon Caine, seemingly with an aim to kill him. And that's how things wrap up.", "The setup here is that a potential new John Wick movie could follow Akira's story, but nothing is locked down yet. Director Chad Stahelski said in a recent interview that he and Reeves are done with the John Wick series for now, which makes a lot more sense now that we know John dies. Stahelski, too, is probably keen to try something else after working on the John Wick series for so many years.", 'He\'s doing just that, too, as Stahelski is signed up to direct the movies based on Ghost of Tsushima and Rainbow Six. These movies have been announced, but Stahelski recently joked about whether or not they are real. "Hollywood loves a good announcement, don\'t they?" he told The Hollywood Reporter. "There have been a few that have come out, and I\'ve been surprised to see I\'m attached to direct them. (Laughs.)"', "If John Wick: Chapter 4 does big numbers at the box office as it's expected to, Stahelski said he will sit down with Reeves, drink booze, and map out the next John Wick movie.", '"Keanu and I will take the long trip to Tokyo, we\'ll sit in the Imperial Hotel Scotch Bar and go, \'What do you think?\' We\'ll have a couple 20-year-old whiskies and write some ideas on napkins. If those ideas stick, maybe we\'ll make a movie," Stahelski said.', 'The John Wick series will continue beyond the main story with a spin-off focused on the character Ballerina, who is played by Ana de Armas. Reeves will have a cameo as John Wick in the movie.']
['존 윅: 챕터 4는 지금까지 액션 영화 시리즈 중 가장 긴 엔트리지만, 본편이 끝나고 나면 마블 스타일의 포스트 크레딧 장면에 더 많은 것이 있을까? "몇몇 개가 나왔고, 저는 그들을 감독하기 위해 애착을 갖고 있는 것을 보고 놀랐습니다." 리브스는 영화에서 존 윅 역으로 카메오로 출연할 것이다.']
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.