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[2023-03-24] 오늘의 게임 뉴스


First PlayStation Plus Free Game For April 2023 Revealed


["We're not even halfway through March, but we already know one of the PlayStation Plus free games for April 2023. Behaviour Interactive's brand-new game Meet Your Maker will be available on PS Plus starting April 4, the same day the game launches. Meet Your Maker is the first release-day freebie on PS Plus in a while, and unlike some past offers, it'll be playable on both PS5 and PS4.", 'Meet Your Maker is referred to by Behaviour Interactive as a "building-and-raiding game." It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is on the brink of total annihilation. As the Custodian of the Chimera, the only thing that matters now is Genetic Material, which you need to acquire and protect.', 'To add to your stockpile of resources, you have to make your way through labyrinthine outposts that contain all sorts of obstacles and enemies. Meet Your Maker is community-focused and dynamic, as the outposts you attempt to steal from are built by other players. You control every aspect of your own outposts, from its general layout and traps to coordinating movements for your outpost guards. You can gain more control over the finer details of traps by modding them, and guards have augments that can make them more dynamic.', "Both the building and raiding portions of Meet Your Maker are played from a first-person perspective. When you're raiding, you'll get to pick between three unique loadouts: ranged, melee, and defensive. There's an arsenal of guns and close-range weapons such as swords at your disposal.", 'Meet Your Maker can be played cooperatively with a friend. Two players can build and raid outposts alongside each other. Once other players attempt to complete your outposts, you can watch their runs with the replay system. Then you can use that data to go back and tinker with the outpost to your liking.', 'All tiers of PS Plus subscribers will be able to claim Meet Your Maker throughout April. Assuming that PlayStation doesn\'t view Meet Your Maker as one of the rare "bonus" freebies, it\'ll take one of the three slots in April\'s PS Plus lineup. In the meantime, don\'t forget to claim March\'s PlayStation Plus lineup, which includes Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein.', 'Best Gaming & Tech Deals This Week'] 

Meet Your Maker는 PS Plus에서 오랜만에 출시되는 무료 서비스이며, 과거의 일부 제안과 달리 PS5와 PS4 모두에서 플레이할 수 있습니다. Meet Your Maker는 커뮤니티 중심으로 역동적이며, 여러분이 훔치려는 전초기지가 다른 플레이어에 의해 지어지기 때문입니다. 플레이스테이션이 메이커와의 만남을 희귀한 "보너스" 사은품 중 하나로 보지 않는다고 가정하면, 4월의 PS 플러스 라인업에서 세 개의 슬롯 중 하나를 차지할 것이다. 



First PlayStation Plus Free Game For April 2023 Revealed


["We're not even halfway through March, but we already know one of the PlayStation Plus free games for April 2023. Behaviour Interactive's brand-new game Meet Your Maker will be available on PS Plus starting April 4, the same day the game launches. Meet Your Maker is the first release-day freebie on PS Plus in a while, and unlike some past offers, it'll be playable on both PS5 and PS4.", 'Meet Your Maker is referred to by Behaviour Interactive as a "building-and-raiding game." It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is on the brink of total annihilation. As the Custodian of the Chimera, the only thing that matters now is Genetic Material, which you need to acquire and protect.', 'To add to your stockpile of resources, you have to make your way through labyrinthine outposts that contain all sorts of obstacles and enemies. Meet Your Maker is community-focused and dynamic, as the outposts you attempt to steal from are built by other players. You control every aspect of your own outposts, from its general layout and traps to coordinating movements for your outpost guards. You can gain more control over the finer details of traps by modding them, and guards have augments that can make them more dynamic.', "Both the building and raiding portions of Meet Your Maker are played from a first-person perspective. When you're raiding, you'll get to pick between three unique loadouts: ranged, melee, and defensive. There's an arsenal of guns and close-range weapons such as swords at your disposal.", 'Meet Your Maker can be played cooperatively with a friend. Two players can build and raid outposts alongside each other. Once other players attempt to complete your outposts, you can watch their runs with the replay system. Then you can use that data to go back and tinker with the outpost to your liking.', 'All tiers of PS Plus subscribers will be able to claim Meet Your Maker throughout April. Assuming that PlayStation doesn\'t view Meet Your Maker as one of the rare "bonus" freebies, it\'ll take one of the three slots in April\'s PS Plus lineup. In the meantime, don\'t forget to claim March\'s PlayStation Plus lineup, which includes Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein.', 'Best Gaming & Tech Deals This Week'] 

Meet Your Maker는 PS Plus에서 오랜만에 출시되는 무료 서비스이며, 과거의 일부 제안과 달리 PS5와 PS4 모두에서 플레이할 수 있습니다. Meet Your Maker는 커뮤니티 중심으로 역동적이며, 여러분이 훔치려는 전초기지가 다른 플레이어에 의해 지어지기 때문입니다. 플레이스테이션이 메이커와의 만남을 희귀한 "보너스" 사은품 중 하나로 보지 않는다고 가정하면, 4월의 PS 플러스 라인업에서 세 개의 슬롯 중 하나를 차지할 것이다. 



First PlayStation Plus Free Game For April 2023 Revealed


["We're not even halfway through March, but we already know one of the PlayStation Plus free games for April 2023. Behaviour Interactive's brand-new game Meet Your Maker will be available on PS Plus starting April 4, the same day the game launches. Meet Your Maker is the first release-day freebie on PS Plus in a while, and unlike some past offers, it'll be playable on both PS5 and PS4.", 'Meet Your Maker is referred to by Behaviour Interactive as a "building-and-raiding game." It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is on the brink of total annihilation. As the Custodian of the Chimera, the only thing that matters now is Genetic Material, which you need to acquire and protect.', 'To add to your stockpile of resources, you have to make your way through labyrinthine outposts that contain all sorts of obstacles and enemies. Meet Your Maker is community-focused and dynamic, as the outposts you attempt to steal from are built by other players. You control every aspect of your own outposts, from its general layout and traps to coordinating movements for your outpost guards. You can gain more control over the finer details of traps by modding them, and guards have augments that can make them more dynamic.', "Both the building and raiding portions of Meet Your Maker are played from a first-person perspective. When you're raiding, you'll get to pick between three unique loadouts: ranged, melee, and defensive. There's an arsenal of guns and close-range weapons such as swords at your disposal.", 'Meet Your Maker can be played cooperatively with a friend. Two players can build and raid outposts alongside each other. Once other players attempt to complete your outposts, you can watch their runs with the replay system. Then you can use that data to go back and tinker with the outpost to your liking.', 'All tiers of PS Plus subscribers will be able to claim Meet Your Maker throughout April. Assuming that PlayStation doesn\'t view Meet Your Maker as one of the rare "bonus" freebies, it\'ll take one of the three slots in April\'s PS Plus lineup. In the meantime, don\'t forget to claim March\'s PlayStation Plus lineup, which includes Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein.', 'Best Gaming & Tech Deals This Week'] 

Meet Your Maker는 PS Plus에서 오랜만에 출시되는 무료 서비스이며, 과거의 일부 제안과 달리 PS5와 PS4 모두에서 플레이할 수 있습니다. Meet Your Maker는 커뮤니티 중심으로 역동적이며, 여러분이 훔치려는 전초기지가 다른 플레이어에 의해 지어지기 때문입니다. 플레이스테이션이 메이커와의 만남을 희귀한 "보너스" 사은품 중 하나로 보지 않는다고 가정하면, 4월의 PS 플러스 라인업에서 세 개의 슬롯 중 하나를 차지할 것이다. 



이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
