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[2023-03-24] 오늘의 게임 뉴스


Resident Evil 4 - Locked Drawers And Small Keys Guide


["Resident Evil 4 has many valuable items that you can sell to earn pesetas. While some are out in the open, others will require a bit more work, such as Locked Drawers. You might see one early on in the Village Square, which you won't be open until you find a Small Key. Here's our Resident Evil 4 Locked Drawers and Small Keys guide to help you find them in the campaign. Likewise, you can learn more in our Treasures and Gemstones hub.", "As mentioned above, the Resident Evil 4 Locked Drawers each require a Small Key so they can be opened (each key will be discarded upon a single use). Moreover, as there are times when you'll only obtain a key later in your run, you might need to backtrack to see if you missed out on a reward.", 'Village:', 'Castle:', 'Village:', 'Castle:', "We'll continue to add more info to our Resident Evil 4 Locked Drawers and Small Keys guide, so stay tuned. Likewise, you can learn more in our guides hub."] 

["레지던트 이블 4"는 페세타를 벌기 위해 팔 수 있는 많은 귀중한 아이템들을 가지고 있다. 마을 광장에서는 작은 열쇠를 찾을 때까지 열려 있지 않을 것입니다. 캠페인에서 찾을 수 있도록 도와주는 Resident Evil 4 Locked Drawers and Small Keys 가이드가 있습니다. 



Counter-Strike 2 Confirmed For Summer 2023 Release, Limited Test Begins Today


['Valve announced that Counter-Strike 2 will be released in Summer 2023, with limited testing available to some Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players starting today. Eligibility will depend on a "number of factors," including recent playtime and Steam account standing. Players who have been selected will automatically get an invite via CS:GO\'s main menu. To learn more about how to access the Counter-Strike 2 beta, check out the CS2 limited testing FAQ.', "CS2 will also be a free upgrade to CS:GO, and all of players' CS:GO items will transfer over to the new iteration of Counter-Strike. This essentially sounds like CS2 will replace CS:GO--something players weren't sure about when CS2 rumors first started making the rounds.", 'You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.', '\n Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?\n ', 'Sign up or Sign in now!\n ', "\n By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's\n Terms of Use and\n Privacy Policy", 'enter', 'Now Playing: Counter-Strike 2: Leveling Up The World Trailer', 'Accompanying the announcement, Valve also released three videos teasing what to expect in the Counter-Strike\'s massive and transformative update made using the Source 2 Engine. Leveling up the World showed off the upgraded maps and graphic overhauls, Moving Beyond Tick Rate announced that tick rate will no longer matter (moving and shooting will be "equally responsive"), and Responsive Smokes detailed the new "dynamic volumetric" nature of smoke grenades.', "Today we're excited to announce Counter-Strike 2. Counter-Strike 2 is an overhaul to every system, every piece of content, and every part of the C-S experience. First, let's talk about smoke grenades: pic.twitter.com/iTtguRHJ0S", 'Community map makers will also be able to use Source 2, including a Source 2 Item Workshop available to try out during the Limited Testing period.', "Counter-Strike 2 has long been rumored, and a report in March stated that players could expect CS2's beta in March or early April--something now confirmed with Valve's official announcement.", ' '] 

['밸브'는 카운터-스트라이크 2가 2023년 여름에 출시될 것이라고 발표했으며, 일부 카운터-스트라이크: 글로벌 오펜시브 플레이어는 오늘부터 제한적으로 테스트할 수 있다. 자격은 최근 플레이 시간과 스팀 계정 상태를 포함한 "여러 가지 요인"에 따라 달라집니다. 먼저 연막탄에 대해 이야기해 보겠습니다: pic.twitter.com/iTtguRHJ0S ", '커뮤니티 지도 제작자는 제한된 테스트 기간 동안 사용할 수 있는 소스 2 항목 워크샵을 포함하여 소스 2도 사용할 수 있습니다. 



Resident Evil 4 - El Gigante Boss Fights Guide


["Resident Evil 4 has numerous bosses for you to battle and eliminate. One of these is the El Gigante, the giant, a behemoth that packs quite a punch, and you'll have to fight its other variants a few times, too. Here's our Resident Evil 4 El Gigante boss guide to help you defeat these types of opponents.", "The first Resident Evil 4 El Gigante boss fight occurs after you finish the Mural Cave Puzzle and claim the Church Insignia Key. As you make your way back to the Quarry, the gates will close, and you'll be trapped with this monster.", "After the first sequence, the friendly dog from the Village Chief's House will aid you, as long as you rescued it from the bear trap when you first leave that area. It will distract the beast for a time, so you can do some well-placed headshots or parasite shots.", "There's also a portion where it will bait El Gigante into charging the cliff wall, causing it to collapse. With the parasite exposed, you can blast it with more Rifle shots for extreme damage. Soon, you should be able to clear your first Resident Evil 4 El Gigante boss encounter.", "The above won't be the only time you face the El Gigante in Resident Evil 4. When you reach the Castle Battlements after solving the Lithograph Puzzle, a heavily armored version will show up. You have to avoid its boulder toss by running behind obstacles, or this attack will cause tremendous damage. At the very end of the ramparts, you can raise a cannon to blow it up.", "The third and final Resident Evil 4 El Gigante boss fight occurs later in the Castle zone. Once you've reached the Mines, Leon and Luis will have to contend with a pair of giants: one unarmored and one that's heavily armored. Luis, who will be invulnerable, will mostly act as a distraction, though you still need to be mindful in case Leon takes aggro.", "There's a special mechanic here where you can interact with the control panel. You'll hold a button until it opens a grate, which will cause the monsters to fall down a pit of molten lava. However, if you attempt this while they're moving/acting normally, their AI will automatically make them to avoid it. Instead, you'll want to shoot the unarmored giant until it shows its tentacles. Try to snipe the tentacles when the behemoth is close to the center, and it will kneel next to the grate. You may then use the control panel while it's stunned, leading to a fiery doom.", 'As for the armored variant, Luis will jump off and Leon will need to distract it for a while. Your buddy will then return with a lot of dynamite, and you have to lure the armored giant close to him. Once the dynamite is stuck to its back, shoot it to force the parasite to pop. You can then drop it down the lava pit.', 'Alternatively, if you want to complete the "No Hot Bath For You" challenge/trophy, you\'ll just need to avoid killing them via the lava mechanic. That means using up more ammo, then jumping on their backs to slash at the tentacle. Lather, rinse, and repeat until they\'re dead. If you want, you could do this during one attempt just for the achievement. Then, reload your save and follow the unique mechanic to save up on ammo.', ' ', 'Resident Evil 4 has more mechanics and secrets for you to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.'] 

그 중 하나는 거대한 거대한 거인 엘 지간테로, 당신은 또한 몇 번 더 그것의 다른 변형과 싸워야 할 것이다.", "첫 번째 레지던트 이블 4 엘 지간테 보스 싸움은 벽화 동굴 퍼즐을 끝내고 교회 휘장 키를 주장한 후에 일어난다.", "여기에는 제어판과 상호 작용할 수 있는 특별한 정비사가 있습니다. 



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