17 More Games Coming To PlayStation Plus Game Catalog In March
["New titles are entering the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog on March 21, and if you're looking to expand your collection with post-apocalyptic action, Tokyo exorcisms, and an unhinged goose, then you're in luck. 14 new games are being added to the PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium tiers, and Premium members can also look forward to three more retro titles arriving as part of the PlayStation Classics line.", 'Announcing the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for March, which includes: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection➕ Ghostwire Tokyo➕ Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction➕ Immortals Fenyx Rising…and many more. The full lineup: https://t.co/cgFSSiPVbV pic.twitter.com/9JyWFFw32o', 'The month is headlined Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Naughty Dog’s remastered versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Fans of explorative games can also look forward to Tchia, and for anyone looking to do some social alien extermination, Rainbow Six Extraction will also be available. Ghostwire Tokyo, which is also coming to Xbox and Xbox Game Pass in April, will transport you to an iconic section of Tokyo that has been overrun with phantoms, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a fun action-RPG that retells the life story of Son Goku across his many battles.', 'Other games arriving include Untitled Goose Game (remember, peace was never an option), Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, and Life is Strange: True Colors. For the PlayStation Classics library, you can look forward to slick racing action with Ridge Racer Type 4, naughty simians in Ape Academy 2 (mistakenly listed as Ape Escape 2 in the original version of the announcement), and a port of the PSP game Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.', 'As a reminder to PS5 owners, the PS Plus Collection will be removed as a subscriber perk on May 9, taking with it a selection of hit PS4 and PS5 games. As long as you claim the games before that date (all subscriber tiers are eligible), you can continue playing those games with an active PS Plus membership. Right now, PS Plus subscribers can also claim Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein, which will be available until April 4, and next month will see the day-one release of Meet Your Maker.']
[3월 21일 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그에 새로운 타이틀이 들어옵니다. 종말 이후의 액션, 도쿄 엑소시즘, 그리고 기러기로 컬렉션을 확장하고 싶다면 운이 좋은 것입니다. ", '3월 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그 라인업 발표: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: 도적들의 유산 컬렉션➕ 고스트와이어 도쿄➕ 톰 클랜시의 레인보우 식스 추출➕ 불사의 페닉스 라이징 등. 해당 날짜 이전의 게임을 청구하는 한(모든 가입자 계층이 해당됨) 활성 PS Plus 회원 자격으로 해당 게임을 계속할 수 있습니다.
17 More Games Coming To PlayStation Plus Game Catalog In March
["New titles are entering the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog on March 21, and if you're looking to expand your collection with post-apocalyptic action, Tokyo exorcisms, and an unhinged goose, then you're in luck. 14 new games are being added to the PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium tiers, and Premium members can also look forward to three more retro titles arriving as part of the PlayStation Classics line.", 'Announcing the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for March, which includes: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection➕ Ghostwire Tokyo➕ Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction➕ Immortals Fenyx Rising…and many more. The full lineup: https://t.co/cgFSSiPVbV pic.twitter.com/9JyWFFw32o', 'The month is headlined Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Naughty Dog’s remastered versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Fans of explorative games can also look forward to Tchia, and for anyone looking to do some social alien extermination, Rainbow Six Extraction will also be available. Ghostwire Tokyo, which is also coming to Xbox and Xbox Game Pass in April, will transport you to an iconic section of Tokyo that has been overrun with phantoms, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a fun action-RPG that retells the life story of Son Goku across his many battles.', 'Other games arriving include Untitled Goose Game (remember, peace was never an option), Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, and Life is Strange: True Colors. For the PlayStation Classics library, you can look forward to slick racing action with Ridge Racer Type 4, naughty simians in Ape Academy 2 (mistakenly listed as Ape Escape 2 in the original version of the announcement), and a port of the PSP game Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.', 'As a reminder to PS5 owners, the PS Plus Collection will be removed as a subscriber perk on May 9, taking with it a selection of hit PS4 and PS5 games. As long as you claim the games before that date (all subscriber tiers are eligible), you can continue playing those games with an active PS Plus membership. Right now, PS Plus subscribers can also claim Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein, which will be available until April 4, and next month will see the day-one release of Meet Your Maker.']
[3월 21일 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그에 새로운 타이틀이 들어옵니다. 종말 이후의 액션, 도쿄 엑소시즘, 그리고 기러기로 컬렉션을 확장하고 싶다면 운이 좋은 것입니다. ", '3월 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그 라인업 발표: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: 도적들의 유산 컬렉션➕ 고스트와이어 도쿄➕ 톰 클랜시의 레인보우 식스 추출➕ 불사의 페닉스 라이징 등. 해당 날짜 이전의 게임을 청구하는 한(모든 가입자 계층이 해당됨) 활성 PS Plus 회원 자격으로 해당 게임을 계속할 수 있습니다.
17 More Games Coming To PlayStation Plus Game Catalog In March
["New titles are entering the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog on March 21, and if you're looking to expand your collection with post-apocalyptic action, Tokyo exorcisms, and an unhinged goose, then you're in luck. 14 new games are being added to the PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium tiers, and Premium members can also look forward to three more retro titles arriving as part of the PlayStation Classics line.", 'Announcing the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for March, which includes: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection➕ Ghostwire Tokyo➕ Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction➕ Immortals Fenyx Rising…and many more. The full lineup: https://t.co/cgFSSiPVbV pic.twitter.com/9JyWFFw32o', 'The month is headlined Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Naughty Dog’s remastered versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Fans of explorative games can also look forward to Tchia, and for anyone looking to do some social alien extermination, Rainbow Six Extraction will also be available. Ghostwire Tokyo, which is also coming to Xbox and Xbox Game Pass in April, will transport you to an iconic section of Tokyo that has been overrun with phantoms, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a fun action-RPG that retells the life story of Son Goku across his many battles.', 'Other games arriving include Untitled Goose Game (remember, peace was never an option), Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, and Life is Strange: True Colors. For the PlayStation Classics library, you can look forward to slick racing action with Ridge Racer Type 4, naughty simians in Ape Academy 2 (mistakenly listed as Ape Escape 2 in the original version of the announcement), and a port of the PSP game Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.', 'As a reminder to PS5 owners, the PS Plus Collection will be removed as a subscriber perk on May 9, taking with it a selection of hit PS4 and PS5 games. As long as you claim the games before that date (all subscriber tiers are eligible), you can continue playing those games with an active PS Plus membership. Right now, PS Plus subscribers can also claim Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein, which will be available until April 4, and next month will see the day-one release of Meet Your Maker.']
[3월 21일 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그에 새로운 타이틀이 들어옵니다. 종말 이후의 액션, 도쿄 엑소시즘, 그리고 기러기로 컬렉션을 확장하고 싶다면 운이 좋은 것입니다. ", '3월 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그 라인업 발표: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: 도적들의 유산 컬렉션➕ 고스트와이어 도쿄➕ 톰 클랜시의 레인보우 식스 추출➕ 불사의 페닉스 라이징 등. 해당 날짜 이전의 게임을 청구하는 한(모든 가입자 계층이 해당됨) 활성 PS Plus 회원 자격으로 해당 게임을 계속할 수 있습니다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.