17 More Games Coming To PlayStation Plus Game Catalog In March
["New titles are entering the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog on March 21, and if you're looking to expand your collection with post-apocalyptic action, Tokyo exorcisms, and an unhinged goose, then you're in luck. 14 new games are being added to the PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium tiers, and Premium members can also look forward to three more retro titles arriving as part of the PlayStation Classics line.", 'Announcing the PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for March, which includes: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection➕ Ghostwire Tokyo➕ Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Extraction➕ Immortals Fenyx Rising…and many more. The full lineup: https://t.co/cgFSSiPVbV pic.twitter.com/9JyWFFw32o', 'The month is headlined Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Naughty Dog’s remastered versions of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Fans of explorative games can also look forward to Tchia, and for anyone looking to do some social alien extermination, Rainbow Six Extraction will also be available. Ghostwire Tokyo, which is also coming to Xbox and Xbox Game Pass in April, will transport you to an iconic section of Tokyo that has been overrun with phantoms, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a fun action-RPG that retells the life story of Son Goku across his many battles.', 'Other games arriving include Untitled Goose Game (remember, peace was never an option), Street Fighter V: Champion Edition, and Life is Strange: True Colors. For the PlayStation Classics library, you can look forward to slick racing action with Ridge Racer Type 4, naughty simians in Ape Academy 2 (mistakenly listed as Ape Escape 2 in the original version of the announcement), and a port of the PSP game Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror.', 'As a reminder to PS5 owners, the PS Plus Collection will be removed as a subscriber perk on May 9, taking with it a selection of hit PS4 and PS5 games. As long as you claim the games before that date (all subscriber tiers are eligible), you can continue playing those games with an active PS Plus membership. Right now, PS Plus subscribers can also claim Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein, which will be available until April 4, and next month will see the day-one release of Meet Your Maker.']
[3월 21일 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그에 새로운 타이틀이 들어옵니다. 종말 이후의 액션, 도쿄 엑소시즘, 그리고 기러기로 컬렉션을 확장하고 싶다면 운이 좋은 것입니다. ", '3월 플레이스테이션 플러스 게임 카탈로그 라인업 발표: ➕ Tchia➕ Uncharted: 도적들의 유산 컬렉션➕ 고스트와이어 도쿄➕ 톰 클랜시의 레인보우 식스 추출➕ 불사의 페닉스 라이징 등. 해당 날짜 이전의 게임을 청구하는 한(모든 가입자 계층이 해당됨) 활성 PS Plus 회원 자격으로 해당 게임을 계속할 수 있습니다.
Diablo 4 - All Altar Of Lilith Statues And Locations
["When exploring the world of Sanctuary in Diablo 4, there is plenty to look out for. Whether you're searching for your next dungeon or trying to complete an event for extra Murmuring Obols, you will usually never have to go far before encountering your next bit of action. For some players, though, they're not after action. Instead, they're chasing some buffs that will help later on. Namely, players in the Diablo 4 beta have been after the Altar of Lilith statues.", "This collectible, of sorts, has been highly sought after by players in the beta. Even though we only have access to one major city and its surrounding areas, over 20 Altar of Lilith statues are scattered around the limited map's various regions. As a result, players have been scrounging across the snow and dense forests in Sanctuary in an attempt to find all of the statues.", 'You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.', '\n Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?\n ', 'Sign up or Sign in now!\n ', "\n By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's\n Terms of Use and\n Privacy Policy", 'enter', 'Now Playing: Diablo 4 Stronghold Sorcerer Gameplay (Beta)', "In this guide, we'll show you where you can find every single Altar of Lilith statue in the Diablo 4 beta and explain exactly what they do for your character.", 'When you discover your first Altar of Lilith statue, the game tells you that there are more out there to find. However, there is no indication as to how many are discoverable in the Diablo 4 beta. According to the map, there are a grand total of 28 Altar of Lilith statues in the beta. There will, of course, be more statues once the full game is released and the entire map is opened up for players to explore.', 'For now, though, there are 28, and players can see where to find each and every one via the map screenshot below.', "Usually, the statues will be located along the side of a road or near the tree line. They will often be somewhat hidden, but if you're near one, you will know it, as the statue will be glowing a dark shade of red. Once you find a statue, go up to it and press the interact key to receive the full benefits.", 'Speaking of those benefits, there are a few reasons why players should make hunting down the Altar of Lilith statues a priority. As the game initially explains, each statue will give players a different kind of reward, depending on which one they interacted with. Most of the statues will give players a permanent boost to one of their stats. This usually comes in the form of a +2 boost to any one of their five stats.', 'However, some statues will offer different rewards, such as an increase in the amount of Murmuring Obols they can hold or an HP boost. A majority of the time, though, players will earn a base stat increase.', 'In addition to collecting a stat boost, players will also earn some Renown in the area of the map they discovered the Altar of Lilith statue. Renown is a mechanic that players can level up by completing various tasks in a region on the map. The biggest region in the Diablo 4 beta is Fractured Peaks, and players can see their progress in the Fractured Peaks Renown levels by pressing "M" to open their large map and then pressing "W."', ' ', 'Here, you can see all of the rewards you receive for each Renown. If you have completed a level already, you can claim your reward, which can be anything from gold and XP to a Skill Point or extra Healing Potion charges. The Altar of Lilith statues come into play with this system since each time a player finds a statue, they earn a small amount of Renown for their current area.', "If players view their map, they can see exactly how many Altar of Lilith statues there are in the map region they're currently in, as well as how many they have found thus far. So if you want to progress your Renown levels quicker, then finding the Altar of Lilith statues is an easy route to take. You can also progress your Renown levels by completing side quests, clearing Dungeons and Strongholds, and discovering Waypoints."]
", '당신이 첫 번째 릴릿 제단을 발견하면, 게임은 당신에게 찾을 것이 더 많다는 것을 알려준다. 지도에 따르면, 베타에는 총 28개의 릴릿 제단이 있다. ', 스타트 부스트를 수집하는 것 외에도, 플레이어는 릴릿 제단을 발견한 지도 영역에서 명성을 얻을 수 있습니다.
Diablo 4 Open Beta Dates, Queues, Early Access, And How To Get Into Beta
["Diablo IV is out this June on both PC and consoles, and it's getting two beta periods before launch. The first of these, which is live as of 9 AM PT / noon ET on March 17, is an invite-only beta meant for those who preordered the game or ordered a qualifying chicken sandwich at KFC, and if you are in a queue to join, you will want to be patient so you don't lose your place in line. The second will be open to anyone who has a supported platform and will likely see queues as even more players try it out. The beta isn't just a test of the game, either, as you can get some extra goodies in the final game if you reach a certain level. Here's how you can play the Diablo IV beta.", "It's worth noting that progress from the early access beta will carry over to the open weekend, but not to the full game when it launches later in the year, so don't worry about getting too attached to your character. For everything else, you can read below for more details on what to expect and when you'll be able to jump in.", 'You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.', '\n Want us to remember this setting for all your devices?\n ', 'Sign up or Sign in now!\n ', "\n By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's\n Terms of Use and\n Privacy Policy", 'enter', 'Now Playing: Diablo 4 Hands-On Preview', "The early access weekend will be held from March 17-19, with preorders being the entry ticket to this first phase. Blizzard did confirm last year that a select number of participants will be able to participate as well, provided that they followed the right steps to register back in October. If you did apply but you didn't receive an email by November 18, then sadly, you didn't make the cut and will have to wait until the open beta runs from March 24-26. Pre-load is available for those who received their invitation code right now, and the file size is hefty--on Xbox Series X, it's more than 70GB.", 'For both sets of dates, the beta will kick off at 9 AM PT / noon ET and run until the ending date at noon PT / 3 PM ET.', 'The closed beta weekend will be available to those who preordered Diablo IV, as well as those who bought a KFC sandwich, for some reason. If you preordered a physical version at a retailer, you should be sent a beta code prior to its official start.', "If you pre-purchased the game digitally, early access to the open beta will automatically be available on your chosen platform. For anyone who did receive their early access code, you'll need a Battle.Net account in which to redeem it. You'll need to follow these steps to activate the code:", "Blizzard is rolling the Diablo IV beta out to a wide variety of platforms, as you'll be able to play on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.", "Beta downloading for the early access period begins on March 15 at 9 AM PT / noon ET on all platforms. The open beta's early downloading period is at the same time on March 22, but those who have already downloaded the initial beta client do not need to re-download it for the open beta.", 'Couch co-op will be available for the beta period, as well, on both Xbox and PlayStation platforms. Both players have to use their own Battle.Net accounts to enable this, and can have up to 10 characters during the beta period.', 'Both the minimum and recommended PC specs for the beta have been revealed. Note that these are subject to change when the full game launches.', 'Minimum ', 'Recommended ', "Everything in the prologue and Act 1 of the Diablo IV beta can be accessed, including the main campaign missions and extra quests. This slice of the game will let you explore the first zone, Fractured Peaks, and you'll be able to reach level 25 with your character. Blizzard says that the beta will allow for players to experience the core gameplay, and while some bugs are to be expected, feedback from the beta will be evaluated ahead of Diablo IV's final release.", 'Progress will not carry over to the full game, but those who reach level 20 in the beta will get the Beta Wolf Pack, a cosmetic reward that puts an adorable wolf pup on your back. Those who reach level 25 will also have a chance of having themselves immortalized in the La chapelle des Jesuites as part of a giant Diablo fresco.', "You'll be able to try out some of the main quests, which focus on your conflict with Lilith, and there will also be side quests available in the beta. There will also be special Altars of Lilith available on the map, which, when completed, give you permanent stat boosts.", 'A world boss, Ashava, will also be available during the beta period. It will spawn four different times--once a Saturday--giving those in both beta periods a chance to fight it. There will also be smaller World Events and large Legion Events, the latter of which are meant to be completed with other players.', 'During the early access period, there will be three classes to choose from, and this will expand to all five classes for the open beta. The initial beta will include:', 'The second, open beta will also add Druid and Necromancer. ', 'For more on the game, you can check out everything that we know about Diablo IV.']
이 중 첫 번째는 3월 17일 오전 9시(한국시간 오후 12시) 기준으로 KFC에서 게임을 예약하거나 퀄리파잉 치킨 샌드위치를 주문한 사람들을 위한 초대 전용 베타로, 만약 당신이 가입하기 위해 줄을 서 있다면, 당신은 줄에서 자리를 잃지 않기 위해 인내심을 갖고 싶을 것이다. 코드를 활성화하려면 다음 단계를 따라야 합니다.", "블리자드는 PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One에서 플레이할 수 있는 디아블로 IV 베타를 다양한 플랫폼으로 롤아웃하고 있습니다. 오픈베타의 초기 다운로드 기간은 3월 22일 같은 시간이지만, 이미 초기 베타 클라이언트를 다운로드한 사람은 오픈베타를 위해 다시 다운로드할 필요가 없다.
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.