The Super Mario Bros. Movie Directors Break Down That Mind-Blowing Rainbow Road Chase
["When most folks head to the theater to check out The Super Mario Bros. Movie, they'll probably be expecting a funny and charming and very nice-looking animated movie. But what they might not expect is a pretty great action movie. And while there are plenty of extremely sick action sequences in the film, the peak is undeniably the Mad Max-esque Mario Kart chase on the Rainbow Road.", 'Warning: This article contains some spoilers for The Super Mario Bros. Movie.', "The Rainbow Road sequence comes about two thirds of the way into the film, after Mario and Peach have secured the help of the entire Kong family against Bowser. Everybody loads up in their kart of choice and hits the Rainbow Road--a shortcut to Bowser's Dark Land.", "But Bowser sees them coming and springs an ambush, and a wild chase ensues. And that comparison to Mad Max wasn't just descriptive--this sequence is actually Fury Road-level good.", "So when GameSpot sat down with directors Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, we couldn't help but pick their brains on how this incredible sequence came together.", '"Well, we definitely had like a blockbuster approach to making this movie. To me, this is a movie that\'s been like 40 years in the making, you know, and I\'ve always considered Mario more of an action game," Horvath said. "The characters look comedic, but the story is always high stakes, you gotta save the princess or save the world or whatever in the game. So we wanted to reflect that action sensibility."', 'But that wasn\'t always easy or intuitive, with "Michael and I coming from TV animation, where you have, like, no budget to do anything," Horvath said, laughing.', 'Their solution? Bring in some of their favorite artists they knew from TV, "who are always probably a little held back by the restrictions of TV," and "we worked really closely with them to just create, like, the craziest action sequences that we could."', 'The Rainbow Road sequence being a case in point.', '"There\'s a shot on Rainbow Road that Michael was pitching for months, and I think you almost broke the studio," Horvath said, referring to Micheal Jelenic, his directing partner on this film and on Teen Titans. "When that shot happened, it was so many different people involved in one single shot, but it turned out like--it\'s iconic and beautiful."', "Both Horvath and Jelenic mentioned Unikitty creator Ed Skudder, who served as the Super Mario Bros. Movie's head of story--that's the person who's in charge of the film's storyboard artists--as being crucial to making the action not only work but shine. Jelenic specifically mentioned that Skudder spent a very long time working out that lengthy one-shot on the Rainbow Road.", '"He is just as good as anybody at moving the camera," Jelenic said. "And so even in the boards, the camera moves in just an incredible way. And he spent months doing that [on a single shot in the Rainbow Road sequence]."', '"When you do that one-shot, it makes things exponentially more complicated, with animation and lighting and all these things. So it\'s the resources and the talent and the dedication of everybody [that made it work],"Jelenic said.', '"I think that sequence was the most challenging. Definitely technically the most challenging, you know," Horvath said. "Like, the entire road is not like a solid element like a street that has an asphalt surface or something. It\'s actually a visual effect because it\'s always glowing and shimmering and there\'s particle effects on it. So every single shot that\'s in the Rainbow Road had to go through the visual effects department, which is super expensive and time consuming. So yeah, we were super ambitious with that whole sequence."', 'But it was worth the effort, Horvath said.', '"We knew it would be a standout moment in the movie if we really gave it our all. And yeah, the studio really got down with it, man. They backed us up."', 'Which is good, Jelenic said, "because we were really worried about that sequence."', '"I think there were moments where it was like, \'We\'re we\'re not sure about this. We\'re not sure this is gonna work,\' But I think when everything sort of locked in the final place, in terms of lighting and comp and all that stuff, everyone\'s like, \'Yeah, this is definitely cool.\' So we were so lucky to have that support from the studio," Jelenic said.', '"There\'s so many moments in this movie that, visually, I would put up against any live action superhero movie, or anything. The studio in France sort of just sort of set a new bar, I think when it comes to action adventure movies."']
호바스는 "나에게 이 영화는 40년간 제작된 영화이며, 나는 항상 마리오를 액션 게임으로 더 생각해왔다"고 말했다. "', 호바스는 "하지만 그것이 항상 쉽거나 직관적인 것은 아니었다"며 "마이클과 나는 TV 애니메이션에서 왔는데, 그곳에서 당신은 어떤 것도 할 예산이 없다"고 웃으며 말했다. 우리는 이것이 효과가 있을지 확신할 수 없지만, 조명과 컴팩트 그리고 모든 것들의 측면에서 모든 것이 최종적인 장소에 고정되었을 때, 모두가 \'그래, 이건 확실히 멋진 일이야.\' 그래서 우리는 스튜디오로부터 그런 지원을 받을 수 있어서 매우 운이 좋았습니다,"라고 젤레닉은 말했다.
The Super Mario Movie Ending And Post-Credits Scenes Explained
["It took a few decades, but we finally have our second big-screen adaptation of the Super Mario Bros franchise. And it was worth the wait--the new animated film starring Chris Pratt and Charlie Day as the titular brothers manages to be both quite charming and a feast for the eyes from the very start, and it doesn't let up until the very end of the credits.", "And it's also, potentially, the start of a new movie franchise. That shouldn't come as any kind of surprise to anyone, of course, since there aren't many brands with more entertainment cultural cachet than Nintendo and Mario. But it means that The Super Mario Bros Movie isn't just telling its own story--it's also setting up potential future ones.", 'And in the age of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that usually involves bonus scenes after or during the end credits. Does The Super Mario Bros Movie follow that trend, or is it safe to exit the theater and never look back once the credits begin?', 'Surprising probably no one, The Super Mario Bros Movie features both a mid-credits and a post-credits scene.', 'Warning: The remainder of this article will contain meaningful spoilers for The Super Mario Bros Movie.', 'While the normal Marvel trend is to deliver the serious, forward-looking tease during the credits and do something jokey at the very end of the credits, The Super Mario Bros movie does the opposite. Our mid-credits scene follows up with Bowser (Jack Black), as he delivers another rendition of his stalker-ish "Peaches" song from behind a piano.', "The camera slowly pulls out during the performance until we see that, sure enough, Bowser is still suffering from the effects of the mushroom he ate during the film's climax--so he's still little, and his prison cell is a bird cage. It's pretty nice of Princess Peach to let him keep singing that song, I suppose.", "But that's not all The Super Mario Bros Movie has in store after the credits roll. Stick around a few more minutes for a tease for the sequel.", "After Peach, Mario and Luigi managed to save our world from Bowser and his army of Koopas, Mario and Luigi apparently relocated full-time to the Mushroom Kingdom. But as we see in this scene, it's not just their family waiting for them back on Earth--a crucial future character is about to be born there as well.", "In this post-credits scene, we see the camera delve back down into that mysterious sewer situation (now kinda wrecked after the battle with Bowser) that led Mario and Luigi into the universe of the Mushroom Kingdom, taking us deeper than we'd gone before. It keeps going and going and going until it finds a very familiar-looking egg--an egg that shakes like it's about to hatch, before the film cuts to black for the last time.", "If you're hoping this egg is a Yoshi egg, I've got good news for you: It's a Yoshi egg! Mario's rideable companion was missing in this first Super Mario Bros Movie, but it seems like he's pretty much guaranteed to play a part in the sequel if they end up making one. What else they might want to incorporate from the Mario games is anybody's guess--there are a lot of Mario games to draw from--but at least we'll have Yoshi."]
", "그리고 그것은 잠재적으로 새로운 영화 프랜차이즈의 시작이기도 합니다. ", "그러나 크레딧 롤 이후 슈퍼 마리오브라더스 영화가 준비한 것이 전부는 아닙니다.", "이 포스트 크레딧 장면에서 우리는 마리오와 루이지를 버섯 왕국의 우주로 이끈 미스터리한 하수구 상황(현재 바우서와의 전투 이후 파괴된 것)을 다시 조사하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다."
The Super Mario Movie Ending And Post-Credits Scenes Explained
["It took a few decades, but we finally have our second big-screen adaptation of the Super Mario Bros franchise. And it was worth the wait--the new animated film starring Chris Pratt and Charlie Day as the titular brothers manages to be both quite charming and a feast for the eyes from the very start, and it doesn't let up until the very end of the credits.", "And it's also, potentially, the start of a new movie franchise. That shouldn't come as any kind of surprise to anyone, of course, since there aren't many brands with more entertainment cultural cachet than Nintendo and Mario. But it means that The Super Mario Bros Movie isn't just telling its own story--it's also setting up potential future ones.", 'And in the age of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that usually involves bonus scenes after or during the end credits. Does The Super Mario Bros Movie follow that trend, or is it safe to exit the theater and never look back once the credits begin?', 'Surprising probably no one, The Super Mario Bros Movie features both a mid-credits and a post-credits scene.', 'Warning: The remainder of this article will contain meaningful spoilers for The Super Mario Bros Movie.', 'While the normal Marvel trend is to deliver the serious, forward-looking tease during the credits and do something jokey at the very end of the credits, The Super Mario Bros movie does the opposite. Our mid-credits scene follows up with Bowser (Jack Black), as he delivers another rendition of his stalker-ish "Peaches" song from behind a piano.', "The camera slowly pulls out during the performance until we see that, sure enough, Bowser is still suffering from the effects of the mushroom he ate during the film's climax--so he's still little, and his prison cell is a bird cage. It's pretty nice of Princess Peach to let him keep singing that song, I suppose.", "But that's not all The Super Mario Bros Movie has in store after the credits roll. Stick around a few more minutes for a tease for the sequel.", "After Peach, Mario and Luigi managed to save our world from Bowser and his army of Koopas, Mario and Luigi apparently relocated full-time to the Mushroom Kingdom. But as we see in this scene, it's not just their family waiting for them back on Earth--a crucial future character is about to be born there as well.", "In this post-credits scene, we see the camera delve back down into that mysterious sewer situation (now kinda wrecked after the battle with Bowser) that led Mario and Luigi into the universe of the Mushroom Kingdom, taking us deeper than we'd gone before. It keeps going and going and going until it finds a very familiar-looking egg--an egg that shakes like it's about to hatch, before the film cuts to black for the last time.", "If you're hoping this egg is a Yoshi egg, I've got good news for you: It's a Yoshi egg! Mario's rideable companion was missing in this first Super Mario Bros Movie, but it seems like he's pretty much guaranteed to play a part in the sequel if they end up making one. What else they might want to incorporate from the Mario games is anybody's guess--there are a lot of Mario games to draw from--but at least we'll have Yoshi."]
", "그리고 그것은 잠재적으로 새로운 영화 프랜차이즈의 시작이기도 합니다. ", "그러나 크레딧 롤 이후 슈퍼 마리오브라더스 영화가 준비한 것이 전부는 아닙니다.", "이 포스트 크레딧 장면에서 우리는 마리오와 루이지를 버섯 왕국의 우주로 이끈 미스터리한 하수구 상황(현재 바우서와의 전투 이후 파괴된 것)을 다시 조사하는 것을 볼 수 있습니다."
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.